During the last two weeks of Geoff's time to get his work in, he was working his tail off & a little stressed. I just sat by wishing it was over already.
Now, he's relaxed & enjoying himself. I, on the other hand, am about to go nuts! It feels as if the stress was just passed from him to me. Tomorrow my parents are coming in at 5:30 am (red-eye flight). I might be up all night just like them.
Don't ask me why, but I HAVE to have flowers in my flower beds before they come. Last night, we picked everything up. It feels like my to-do list grows by the hour. :)
Not that I'm picking on anyone, but does RSVP by such & such a date mean anything now days? I know I've been delinquent, but I usually call by the deadline! Good thing the grocery store is my last thing to do!
I know as soon as my parents get here, we'll relax & just have fun. Boy am I looking forward to that!
Pics to come! (we finally got our camera back just in time!)
Can't wait to see all your lovely flower beds! Hang in there and don't stress too much. God will help you get all that you need to done! I'm sure your folks will help out too.
Have a wonderful time with your family. I'm SO glad they are coming to visit. You'll be fine! :)
I hear ya on the whole RSVP thing. People rarely do that anymore. It's annoying - especially when you enclose a stamped envelope for them! What a waste.
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