Friday, February 09, 2007

Friday Survey

It's been awhile since I've done one of these. Today's questions are about firsts.

1. What was your first job?
My first job other than babysitting was at at Alpine Family Fun Center. I'm not sure why I applied there, but I know there were other kids from my highschool that worked there, so I knew that they hired 16 year olds & it wasn't fast food, so I was happy. :) This place could be described as the local Chuck E. Cheese-but better. We had the arcade, go-karts, bumper boats, min-golf, and a room that had thousands of foam balls with air guns that you could shoot the balls out of. I worked indoors, so no tan, but learned patience with children from the new daycare camp that came in every day. It was fun to hand out prizes & make pizza for them though. I really enjoyed it, but by August, I knew I was ready for school. Unfortunately, they closed down. :(

2. Do you remember your first crush?
Yup. His name was Danny & was he divine! My mom watched him & his younger brother in our home, the family also attended our church, and Danny & I went to school together. We played house together & I announced that I definitely was going to marry him! That was when I was 5. We were sitting at our little table in our play kitchen acting as if we were married, and I told him to say grace for our pretend food. I had just learned that this was a fancy way of talking about the prayer before eating.
Well, poor Danny said, "Grace." I was not happy with him. "No, you have to say grace before we eat!!" "Grace." "That's not how you do it! I'll just say it." And then I prayed a pretend prayer. Oh to go back to kindergarten! (My mom reminded me recently that I was quite bossy.)

3. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Threw on some workout clothes, brushed my teeth & hair, and went to Curves with Kristi.

4. What is your first memory?
Good question. I can remember my mom teaching my three-year old Sunday School class. I think that's about how far I can remember.

5. Where is the first place you visited on the net today? - my home page; then checked my e-mail


Shyla said...

1. What was your first job?
My first job other than babysitting and a paper route was a LASER TAG ATTENDANT at this place called the Wheels. It has an indoor amusement park/arcade etc.. it was a really fun job and to this day i i VERY competitive at laser tag!!

2. Do you remember your first crush?
Yes, his name was Stephen DuChene!! I was in kindergarten, he was in the 6th grade and at recess I would follow him around and sing "I just called to say i love you!!" HA!

3. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Roll out of bed to get Jackson when he wakes up.

4. What is your first memory?
Getting a cabbage patch for Christmas and they were so popular that year that there were only boy dolls left. So my parents got the boy one for me and I decided instead of it's given name Christopher, HER name would be Jennifer and I pretended that she got a bad haircut! I was 4.

5. Where is the first place you visited on the net today?
my blog page to relaize i had been checking everyone else's blog but hadn't written on my own! :)

Unknown said...

1. What was your first job?
My first real job (besides babysitting) was at McDonald's. I worked there through highschool and developed a strong attraction for it's greasy foods.

2. Do you remember your first crush?
The first really big crush I had was on Steven Schaefer during the 8th grade. He had blond hair in a skater cut that fell over his lovely forehead. He even asked me to dance once and I was so nervous, embarrassed, and overwhelmed that I said no! For months afterwards I thought that was the worst decision in my life.

3. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Try to exercise and shower before Chloe wakes up. Then I get the java brewing.

4. What is your first memory?
I know this sounds early, but my first memory was of a plane ride (my mom says I was 18 mos. old) where I got to sit by myself and drink a sprite.

5. Where is the first place you visited on the net today?
My hotmail account.

Anonymous said...

1.) Where was your first job? Besides babysitting, no where, unless volunteer work counts. At the McKee Daycare.
2.) Do you remember your first cruch? Yes, Christian Shamardian, he and I liked each other when we were in K5 so we were "boyfriend girlfriend" at that time then he broke up for another girl.
3)What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Get ready for school.
4.)What is your first memory?
When I had a make belief friends Airalynn, Bell, you know who I'm talking about right? ;) You ate them Pam.
5.) Where was your first place you visited on the web today?
My first visit was my hotmail account.
Talk to you later love ya lots,
Your sister,