Friday, February 23, 2007

Friday Survey

Wish I could hav fast-forwarded this past week. What a loooooooong week!! Answer these quesitons in the comments section if you'd like. :)

If you could fast-forward through time,…

1. What would you be doing in 5 years? In 10? In 5 years I hope to be helping my husband in a ministry. I'd like to be a mommy by then too. Maybe to 2 kids or 3!! :)
In 10 years, who knows!! I can't imagine what we'll be doing then. Maybe on the mission field, maybe in a church, or maybe in heaven.

2. Would you have changed anything major in your life? A new house, job? I would love to be living in a house in 5 years. Hey, I'd love to be in a house next year! :) Like above, I'd be happy to change careers to mommyhood, but God knows when that will be best.

3. Would you even want to fast forward through time or would you prefer to live life as it comes? I'd much rather living my life as it comes. When you rush through life & keep wishing for the proverbial "next thing," you don't enjoy the present time & the future usually doesn't live up to your expectations.


Jenny said...

OOh, fun one Pam!
1. What would you be doing in 5 years? In 10? I think in 5 years I'll still be chasing Aaron around, and maybe 1 or 2 others. In ten, hopefully I'll be done bearing children. HA! I'd be thrilled to be working with my husband in a church somewhere, but whatever God has planned for us will be perfect!

2. Would you have changed anything major in your life? Maybe we'll get to move somewhere really great, like CO. :-) But if we're still here, that would be awesome too. We would like to be DONE with home remodeling in 5 years, though!

3. Would you even want to fast forward through time or would you prefer to live life as it comes? Generally, I like to live life as it comes. There are times that I'd like to fast forward little spurts, like dental appointments, shoveling the driveway, etc. But I guess even the mundane things can be enjoyable!

Unknown said...

1. In 5 years I hope we'll have another few bambinos keeping me busy and Lord willing, I'll be homeschooling Chloe. (How crazy is that to think about now?!?) Also, we'll be done with Matt's phd and he'll have a full time job as a professor somewhere - only the Lord knows the answer to that one! In 10 years, I hope to be beginning/completing my master's degree and plugging away at homeschooling or teaching.

2. I'm sure we'll be in a different location in 5 years - we're not big fans of Ohio. Matt's heart is to teach at a Christian liberal arts university - maybe Wheaton, IL or Grand Rapids, MI? I'd LOVE to live closer to our families in the midwest but anywhere the Lord puts us will be swell.

3. It certainly is hard to live in the moment as a first-time mom! I feel like I'm constantly looking ahead to the next Chloe milestone. Looking back though, I wish I would have stopped and enjoyed more of her baby moments.