Saturday, February 17, 2007

Last Week

Last week was busy, but a lot of fun. My good friend Kristi Colas was scheduled to come to my church for our missions conference. She's currently on deputation to head to France. It was sooo good to see her since it's been a couple years!! I was so pumped when I heard she would be able to stay with us a couple days before the conference started. It was a good thing too, since we weren't able to attend the last couple days of the conference due to the snow/ice storm we had. I have come to value my Christian friendships so much! Working in an office where no one believes in Christ like I do can be hard, and leads me to cherish my godly friendships so much!

Kristi, Me, & Liz (Eckman) Lovelace. Roommates from college! (taken at 11:30 pm before Liz & Chris went home. We were tired from the extreme laughing fest we had just endured :)

Liz & Chris Lovelace. Aren't they cute!

For Valentine's Day Geoff was able to stay home & enjoy being inside during our ice storm. Since I only work 10 minutes away, I was expected to go to work. :( I really wanted to stay home with Geoff, but oh, well! Before going to work Geoff gave me this cute stuffed dog, and when I came home from work, he gave me these beautiful roses. I'm so traditional-they're my favorite flowers. Because the roads were icky when I left for work, Geoff was going to walk to the nearest grocery store to pick them up for me. By that afternoon, he decided to drive because the roads had gotten better. :) What a nice guy!!
Valentine's Day Dinner 2007


christina said...

what a great picture of you three's nice to see some northland faces. :)

Elizabeth said...

Beautiful flowers!
Chris had to study all day, so he didn't try to go out for flowers. Oh well. Maybe next year. :)
It was a lot of fun. My cheeks hurt when we left! :)

Elizabeth said...

Ok, maybe if you take 30 pounds off my face it could be a cute picture!!! ha ha :)

pamela s said...

Liz, you look great! :)
Thanks for coming over!

KColas said...

Yeah, Christina, "great pic" is very generous of you! :) Pam was right - it was a laughing-fest from beginning to end. It did my heart good! It was terrific to be there with you guys!

Kelli said...

That is neat that you got to see Kristi. Our families have known each other since before I was even born! She and my older brother are only like 2 months apart. Her mom & my mom are still really good friends!
Hello to Kristi if you read this!

Unknown said...

Aw, what a blessing that must have been to enjoy your old college gal-pals! I know what you mean, my nbbc sisters in Christ are very near and dear to me. I hope I can keep up our relationships in the coming years! Blogging sure helps to keep us connected.

What a sweetie-pie hubby you have! Looks like you had a wonderful and romantic evening.