With Thanksgiving upon us, I'd like to reflect on couple things I'm thankful for.
1. Above all salvation. Without God I can do nothing.
2. My husband - so willing to serve, Godly. and loving,
3. Family - My parents raising me to honor the Lord. My in-laws for accepting me into their family very openly.
4. God's Provision - I can look around my home and in my bank account and see that everything points back to the Lord taking care of us, even in the seemingly insignificant things like an entertainment center.
5. Friends - People I can talk to, vent to, and laugh with.
6. My church - Our pastor strives to bring us preaching based on the Word, and the fellowship is great too!
7. Health - So many things could be wrong with me, but the Lord has been gracious in giving me a healthy body.
8. God's Word - Convicting and encouraging.
9. Everyday conveniences - Toliets, running water, washing machines, dishwashers, dryers, curlers, irons, frozen vegetables, pre-packaged foods, etc. To think 100-125 years ago life was much more in survival mode than what we'll ever know.
10. Future - even though we don't have a clue where we'll be a year from now, I know God is in control & I can be thankful for that!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
What great reminders!
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