Monday, January 01, 2007

Christmas Decor Before It Goes Away

Finally some Christmas decoration pictures as promised. I realized that taking pics of your home sure does make you want to clean it just so. :)
Now that I've taken the pictures I'll be putting it all away for another year. How sad! Does anyone else's house look a little bare when you take down all the Christmas decorations?


Elizabeth said...

The way I see it, Pam, is if you only put up a few decorations, when you take them down there's not that big of a difference. :) Granted, I didn't put up our little tree and manger scene until four days before Christmas, so I might leave it up a few more days. (Actually, we got the manger scene as a gift right before Christmas.) Granted, last year we put up a string of lights on the wall--and they're still there! Chris decided he liked the lighting effect when the lights only were on, so they've stayed up there all year long. So, maybe I'll just leave our tree and manger scene. ;) Ok, maybe not.
Your house does look very nice with the decorations! You're such a good home maker! :)
I'm sure your home will still look cute after the decorations come down because it always does!

pamela s said...

Thanks, Liz! You're so nice. If only I was given the minimalist gene from my mom & not the pack rat gene from my dad! :)
One little hard part is that when people give me something, I feel like I should set it out just in case they come over & start looking for it.

Elizabeth said...

Well, you better be sure that I'll be looking for that picture when I go over next time!! ;)