Tuesday, April 03, 2007

How Are My Taxes Used?

I'm slowly, but surely putting together this Graduation Bash. The biggest hurdle was to find a place to have it. We're inviting over 150 people, so my 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath apartment was pretty much out of the question. Our church has a nice fellowship hall, but is about an hour away from most of the relatives, who you know will come for sure. I looked into the local fire stations that have nice halls for wedding and such, but kept looking after seeing the pricing start at $300 for 3 hours (non-catered!).

How about the trusty parks in our township? Well, to reserve a pavillion, you must give them $75 up front, then $12 for trash cans you pick up from the municipal builidings, and finally a $300 security deposit in case any damage is done. Good grief! Don't you take enough out of my paycheck every week?

So, I kept searching.

Then I came across a little park nearby. I read the fine print & re-read it. Fill out the application, give us $25 for a security deposit, and if the date is open, the pavillion is yours. Thank you, Lord - a free place to party!!