- Formula or breast milk? Bottles or nursing?
- Immunizations-yay or nay?
- Cloth or disposable?
- Pacifier?
- Sleeping on back or belly?
- Potty training from newborn days or waiting a couple years?
- Co-sleeping or crib?
- Cry it out or rock them?
- Baby-wearing or just carrying when necessary?
- Make your own baby food or buy a jar/plastic container?
- Home-school education or church-sponsored school education or private school education or public school education?
So.many.choices. And they never stop being lobbed at us.
The thing is that none of those choices are sinful based on what the Bible says. We cannot find Scripture to cover any of these exact points. But we make a choice based on what is best for our family, and suddenly anyone who does not follow our path is wrong. Why is that? Why do we continuously try to persuade others to do what we do? Is it because we are looking for affirmation? Is it because we feel so strongly about our decisions that we want to sway those who are searching to come to our side? Why do we feel so strongly - pride? Are we placing too much trust in our choices when it should be placed in God?
If we are not choosing between wrong and right, then let us give grace to those who choose differently. The thing is that your choice may be a moral choice to you, but that does not mean it is a moral choice to others. This is where Christian liberty jumps in, and so we choose to not sin against our consciences. Rest in this knowledge that God is not granting you extra grace for your choice in this realm or that you are locked into one of these choices and cannot change your mind later-that is liberty. When making these type of decisions, be a good steward of the children and goods that God has lent to you, but remember that ultimately they are His.
Psalm 24:1 The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein,
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