Nowadays "family" means something different to everyone. What does it mean to you?
1] What is your family like? How would you describe them? Do you come from a large family or a small one? My family is realtively small - me & my hubby - for now. Someday we'd like for it to increase --all in God's timing. Geoff is the oldest of 3 kids; he has 2 sisters. I am the oldest of 4 kids; I have a brother & 2 sisters.
2] What do you like most about your family? Is there anything that you dislike? I love my family - Geoff - he means so much to me. My extended family is very close & we enjoy being together. The only thing I dislike about it is not seeing them a lot.
03] What does family mean to you? How often do you get to see your family? Family is extremely important to me. Sometimes, friends can come & go, but usually family sticks together. We see my family in CO once or twice a year; sometimes one of them will come to visit us. Geoff's family goes to the same church as we do, so we see them evry week - not as much as you would think though. Since everyone is in different ministires, we actually only sit together during 1 service a week. So we ususally try to schedule dinners together every once in awhile to catch up.
4] If you have in-laws, do you get along well with them? Are they pretty different from your family or similar? How often do you see them? Thankfully I get along very well with my in-laws. They are night and day compared with my family, but still a lot of fun.
5] Do you have anyone who is like a "second family" to you? If so, who and why? Not really.
Good questions today Pam! Here are my answers:
1. My immediate family (me, matt and chloe) is very tight. We do everything together and we are each other's best pals. I come from a small family (1 sister and mom); Matt is the baby of 4 children (2 bros and 1 sis). Each of our families are extremely close to us but we really don't keep up with cousins. I would describe our families as generous, sacrificial, loving, and beautiful.
2. I love that family is paramount to my husband Matt. I also love that Matt's parents are strong Christians that are still deeply in love. I just wish we all lived in the same town!
3. Family is SUPER DUPER important to us. We hope to model our family after my bro-in-law's (Ben, NOT Sam)where family is the center of a life honoring Christ. We get to see them probably 6 times a year.
4. I love my in-laws more and more as I get to know them better. My mom-in-law was an affront to me at first but I just had to weasel into her heart and find out what made her tick. :)
5. A few if my gal pals from college are like sisters to me (kathleen and colleen). My first pastor & wife (the dunfords) used to be like 2nd family to me.
1] What is your family like? How would you describe them? Do you come from a large family or a small one? There are 5 people in my family. My mom, me, 2 brothers and my sister. (my dad has been gone since I was 7)
2] What do you like most about your family? Is there anything that you dislike? I like that you can be who you are around my family. There are no pretenses - I do wish we didn't all live so far from each other and that we were closer.
03] What does family mean to you? How often do you get to see your family? Family is extremely important to me. I normally see them a few times a year. They are not light years away (10 hrs) but with working full time we don't have a lot of time to dash off on the weekends and see each other. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Summer time - that's about it. Although, with the baby coming, I "reckon" that we will be seeing a lot more of each other! :)
4] If you have in-laws, do you get along well with them? Are they pretty different from your family or similar? How often do you see them? I LOVE MY INLAWS!! I am sooooooo thankful that I can say that!!! They are completely different from my family...but that's what makes it beautiful! I see them atleast 3 times a week.
5] Do you have anyone who is like a "second family" to you? If so, who and why? When I was at NBBC I would have to say that my second family was the Hairgroves. I know even today that I can call them up and head down to FL and there would be a room for us! God has blessed me with a lot of families like this!
1.My immediate family - Chris, Luke and I - have a relatively calm, simple & peaceful life. This is in large part due to the fact that we have only 1 child and we're constantly on the move with school so don't get rooted down and super busy (other than Chris' school/work). My family - parents & siblings - is HUGE and CRAZY. 4 brothers, 2 sisters, a sister-in-law, 2 brothers-in-law (well, as of Auguest 2006), 2 nephews and a niece. It is like scheduling a corporate meeting to get us all together, and when that finally happens, it's chaos. Fun, but chaos. :)
2.I love how close we are. Even though there's so many of us, I talk to everyone a couple of times a week. I think we're so close, because we have so much in common - I praise God that all of my grown siblings (including Matt) love Jesus and live that way. Another thing that I LOVE is how much fun we have together. We all get a hoot out of the same things (usually at my dad) and share so many incredible and great memories. Of course there are things I don't like about my family! (Let's be honest, not everyone's pefect like us!) I love a big family, but sometimes things are so very crazy and the chaos gets to me a bit. :)
3.Other than Jesus, my family is the most important thing to me in the world. Living away from both of our families these past 2 years has really made our little family of 3 a strong, independent unit. We don't really like living far from our families, but I'm thankful for the things God has taught Chris & I about our marriage and also parenting in this time. Other than Chris, my family is a huge support and refuge in my life. I wish I could see them every week, but I see them every couple of months - not enough! I'm so thankful for phones, email and blogging to keep in touch!
4.I praise God for the in-laws he gave me! Honestly, they are the best! They are VERY different from my family in many ways, but all the areas that matter, they are of the same heart and mind as my parents. I love them SO much and am so blessed to feel that they love me too! friend Michayla & her family. She's the kind of friend that will help you pull your girdle up in the bathroom at a wedding - really only family does that! Her mom is also really special to me! I was so close to them, that in HS, I spent the night at their house when Michayla wasn't even there; and when Michayla was "grounded", I "didn't count."
1] What is your family like? How would you describe them? Do you come from a large family or a small one? Our family is small right now and consists of Stephen, Esther, and I. Stephen is incredibly loyal to family and is a laid back guy until it comes to defending his family! I come from a small family - Dad, Mom, sister, bro-in-law and a new little niece in July/Aug.
2] What do you like most about your family? Is there anything that you dislike? I love that we all are one in Christ. That means so much. We are alike on everything that matters. Nothing that I dislike except distance. I wish we could live near one of our family units, so Esther could see her Godly heritage.
03] What does family mean to you? How often do you get to see your family? Family is extremely important. I Stephen and I have grown so much (as KT said) since being away from either families. It's helped us grow us a couple and now as parents. We get to see our families 2-4 times a year. (it's become more often with Esther)
4] If you have in-laws, do you get along well with them? Are they pretty different from your family or similar? How often do you see them? I have 2 sister -in-laws and a bro-in-law. We all get along although we don't get to spend as much time together as we would like. Stephen's parents are very different from mine in every way, but since having Esther I think we've bonded in a new way.
5] Do you have anyone who is like a "second family" to you? Several people. I could echo the Noonan's especially from my husband's standpoint. I think he did every load of laundry in college there and Jack was in our wedding. For me it would be the Syroteuk's. We've spent too much time to count together - in fact - TJ calls me his sister and Esther is his 'niece'.
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